Singing Guide: The Last Goodnight

Singing Guide: The Last Goodnight

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Last Goodnight is an American pop-rock band known for their hit song "Pictures of You". The band's lead vocalist, Kurtis John, has a unique vocal style characterized by a blend of smooth falsetto and powerful chest voice. To learn singing like Kurtis John, it is important to focus on vocal control and connecting with emotions.

One of Kurtis's signature techniques is his ability to transition between falsetto and chest voice seamlessly. Practicing mixed voice exercises and range extension can help you achieve this level of vocal control. Singing "Pictures of You" can also be a great way to practice transitioning between falsetto and chest voice.

Another essential aspect of Kurtis's vocal technique is his use of emotion. His ability to convey powerful emotions in each note is a defining aspect of his style. Practicing vocal exercises that focus on breath control, accurate intonation, and expression can help you connect with emotions just like Kurtis.

To become a skilled singer like Kurtis John of The Last Goodnight, you can use the following practical resources provided by Singing Carrots:

With the right mindset and resources, you can learn to sing like Kurtis John of The Last Goodnight and connect with your audience with powerful emotional performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.